Simply indispensable
Both the people who read this blog have asked me why I haven't been blogging. No answer, apart from laziness, I guess....
Anyway, I hope to blog more regularly from now on... Plus the film reviews seem to be back at a new site, so some company for me ;-)
*** Warning: Geeky stuff ahead ***
One thing you may or may not notice is the longish 'Blogs I visit' column on the right has now been replaced by a single Netvibes button. I have been using Netvibes for about a year now, and it is a superb content aggregation tool. It aggregates RSS feeds (similar to Google Reader, Bloglines etc) but it also provides plugins (or widgets, which seems to be the fashionable word these days) for a variety of Internet apps such as Gmail, Yahoo mail, Ebay, Meebo, Flickr, etc. So all the information you are interested in, pushed to you, on one web page, accessible wherever you go. And as is di rigeur with any internet service these days, it is a nice AJAXy, drag and drop UI. Very cool. Give it a shot.
both? who's the other one?
7:45 PM
darn! i thought no one would notice that.
8:14 PM
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